06 November 2016
check if branchA has been merged into branch master:
git log master branchA
Suggested format of commit message:
It's suggested by GIT manual to have a one-line summary followed by a blank line, then followed by multiple lines of details
revert a commit/merge
To revert a particular commit, i.e. applying a reverse-patch
git revert <commit>
But to revert a merge, we need to specify which parent of the commit we want to keep
git revert <commit> -m 1
this will keep parent 1 as the mainline.
To find out which parent is 1 or 2, we can use
git log --merges
make a new local branch to track a remote branch
#+beginsrc sh git fetch <remote> <rbranch>:<lbranch> git checkout <lbranch> #+endsrc sh
make a new branch for merging with two diverged branches
find the most recent common ancestor of two brances
git merge-base branchA branchB
or for the full commit info
git log -1 $(git merge-base branchA branchB)
then make a feature branch from the common ancestor commit
git branch branchname <sha1-of-commit>
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