06 October 2016

在尝试了一个月免费版的Nylas N1后,由于付费版价格太不合理然后免费版需要自己搭服务,放弃了继续使用的想法。在寻找一个好用的email客户端的过程中尝试了各种方案:

  • thunderbird: 许多Linux发行版的默认客户端,功能还算OK,UI实在是太过时了
  • geary: 好象是Elementary OS的默认客户端,但是在xfce下缺少很多UI效果
  • 其他的类似KMail,Evolution,UI类似thunderbird,也是不入法眼

综合考虑,最后决定尝试一下Emacs下的mu4e作为解决方案,毕竟Emacs操作熟练,既然UI都不好看,干脆不要UI直接终端了 主要参考mu4e官方文档这篇blog


mu4emu 的一个Emacs前端,而mu本身是一个邮件搜索引擎,所以mu4e的很多操作都是基于搜索的。在Ubuntu下安装很简单

sudo apt-get install libgmime-2.6-dev libxapian-dev
sudo apt-get install guile-2.0-dev html2text xdg-utils
git clone https://github.com/djcb/mu.git
cd mu
autoreconf -i && ./configure && make
sudo make install

但是mu本身不是一个收发邮件的工具,可以使用任何支持 Maildir 结构的邮件收发程序。我使用 offlineimap 来接收邮件。安装后,配置 ~/.offlineimaprc 如下

accounts = myaccountname
maxsyncaccounts = 3

[Account myaccountname]
localrepository = Local
remoterepository = Remote
# speeds up syncing!
status_backend = sqlite
# -1: always do quick updates
#  0: never do quick updates
quick = -1
# Minutes between syncs
#autorefresh = 5

[Repository Local]
type = Maildir
localfolders = ~/Maildir

[Repository Remote]
type = IMAP
remotehost = yourimapserver
remoteuser = user
remotepass = password
ssl = yes
# new comodo fingerprint (SHA1)
cert_fingerprint = sha1fingerprint
# use at least two threads to sync mail (speeds up)
maxconnections = 2
# realdelete = yes


offlineimap --dry-run

来测试连接是否OK。 我在配置中碰到几个问题:

  • 使用以下命令获取 cert_fingerprint
openssl s_client -CApath /etc/ssl/certs -connect yourimapserver:imaps -showcerts | perl -ne 'print if /BEGIN/../END/; print STDERR if /return/' > scratch/exmail.cert
openssl s_client -CAfile scratch/exmail.cert  -connect yourimapserver:imaps 2>&1 </dev/null
openssl x509 -in scratch/exmail.cert -sha1 -noout -fingerprint
  • 不使用自动更新,因为我们会通过mu4e调用offlineimap,offlineimap本身不需要自动更新邮件,否则会有冲突
# 不开启自动刷新
#autorefresh = 5

如果一切正常,这时候可以在终端测试一下了。先用offlineimap获取所有邮件,应该会在 HOME 下生成 Maildir 。尝试一下mu的检索功能

$ mu find nylas
Tue 13 Sep 2016 06:24:46 AM CST Michael Grinich <michael@nylas.com> Get 3 months of free Nylas Pro by helping us test a new feature
Tue 27 Sep 2016 11:00:22 PM CST Michael Grinich <michael@nylas.com> Nylas N1 now integrates with Salesforce
Tue 04 Oct 2016 11:05:10 PM CST Michael from Nylas <michael@nylas.com> Inline images and thread sharing are here!

.emacs 中配置mu4e使用 offlineimap 定时收取邮件

(require 'mu4e)
  mu4e-get-mail-command "offlineimap"   ;; or fetchmail, or ...
  mu4e-update-interval 60
  mu4e-headers-auto-update t)

mu4e默认使用emacs的 mail-send 函数发送邮件,使用时会导致emacs挂起,改用系统命令 sendmail 更为方便,只需要以下配置

;;in .emacs
(setq message-send-mail-function 'message-send-mail-with-sendmail)




比如我们希望更改邮件列表模式中的默认显示信息,可以通过修改 mu4e-header-fields 这个变量

(setq mu4e-headers-fields
  '( (:more-human-date    .   18)
     (:flags         .    6)
     (:from-or-to    .   22)
     (:subject       .   nil)))

其中像 flags, subject 都是mu4e本身的header-field, more-human-date 是自己定义的一个字段,是这么定义的

(defun mu4e~headers-more-human-date (msg)
  "Show a 'more human' date.  If the date is today or yesterday,
show the time, otherwise, show the date. The formats used for
date and time are `mu4e-headers-date-format' and
  (let ((date (mu4e-msg-field msg :date)))
    (if (equal date '(0 0 0))
      (let ((day1 (decode-time date))
             (day2 (decode-time (current-time))))
        (cond ((and
                (eq (nth 3 day1) (nth 3 day2))  ;; day
                (eq (nth 4 day1) (nth 4 day2))  ;; month
                (eq (nth 5 day1) (nth 5 day2))) ;; year
               (format-time-string mu4e-headers-time-format date))
              ((eq (- (time-to-days (current-time)) (time-to-days date)) 1)
               (format-time-string mu4e-headers-yesterday-time-format date))
               (format-time-string mu4e-headers-date-format date)))))))

(defcustom mu4e-headers-yesterday-time-format "YesterD-%H:%M"
  "Time format to use in the headers view for yesterday's
messages.  In the format of `format-time-string'."
  :type  'string
  :group 'mu4e-headers)

(add-to-list 'mu4e-header-info-custom
             '(:more-human-date .
                         (:name "Date"
                          :shortname "Date"
                          :help "Date in even more human-friendly format"
                          :function mu4e~headers-more-human-date)))

这样当天的邮件会显示 11:22 ,昨天的会显示 YesterD-15:37 ,更早的会显示 09/05/16,Mon


mu4e中的 bookmark 可以通过 b <key> 的操作快速进行搜索,默认的快捷标签包括 b u (未读邮件), b t (今天的邮件)等,可以根据需求自行添加。 比如增加一个搜索所有带附件的邮件的书签和一个标星号的邮件的书签

(add-to-list 'mu4e-bookmarks
             '("flag:flagged"       "Starred messages"     ?f))
(add-to-list 'mu4e-bookmarks
             '("flag:attach"       "Messages with attachment"     ?a))

其中 flag:flagged 等是mu的搜索命令,更多的搜索用法可以参考mu强大的query命令


mu4e默认支持在header-view或者message-view中快速进行某些操作,比如在header-view中用 a 就会看到默认的action,当然可以增加更多。 比如增加一个“搜索当前发件人的所有邮件”的快捷命令

(defun search-for-sender (msg)
  "Search for messages sent by the sender of the message at point."
    (concat "from:" (cdar (mu4e-message-field msg :from)))))

;; define 'x' as the shortcut
(add-to-list 'mu4e-view-actions
             '("xsearch for sender" . search-for-sender) t)
(add-to-list 'mu4e-headers-actions
             '("xsearch for sender" . search-for-sender) t)



在emacs中收邮件中一个不完美的地方就是缺少新邮件的桌面提醒,暂时用了一个不完美的解决方案,就是通过emacs的 alert 发出一个桌面提醒

(require 'alert)
(setq alert-fade-time 90)
(setq alert-default-style 'libnotify)
(add-hook 'mu4e-index-updated-hook 'mu4e~headers-do-auto-update)
(add-hook 'mu4e-index-updated-hook
  (defun new-mail-notify ()
    (alert "New mail coming" :title "mu4e")))

之所以不完美是因为两个原因:这个提醒不能长留桌面而是在一定时间后消失;提醒是绑定在 mu4e-index-update-hook 上,但是实际上邮件的状态变化也会触发这个hook(比如变成了未读) 有一个 mu4e-alert 的package,但是配置后没有起作用



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